#coffeeaday with Jeff Echols

Coffee a Day   Today for My #CoffeeADay Initiative, Mel McMahon @melmcmahon and I talked about how she hustles locally. . My CoffeeADay Initiative: 1 cup of coffee with 1 person, every day. . Mel grew up surrounded by local businesses and entrepreneurs in one of the most colorful, local, historic districts in Indianapolis. She’s spent her life in areas where local businesses were employers, taxpayers, philanthropists and generally, the glue that bound the community. . She’s witnessed the power of ‘Local.’ . Through her career in TV and radio, Mel has helped raise awareness and build relationships for non-profits and local businesses, but an after-work dinner jaunt provided an epiphany that changed the course of her career. . When she and her husband decided to eat at the Italian restaurant around the corner from her studio, she wondered if it was ‘local.’ In fact, she wondered: “How do you know if anything is local?” . As an early contributor to ‘Naptown Buzz,’ Mel was already focused on “all things Indy.” She knew that locally owned businesses returned exponentially more to local economies, but that one question eventually led to the launch of Indiana Originals @indoriginals . Mel and all the Indiana Originals members are out to create stronger, healthier communities by promoting and supporting independent, local businesses. . Mel’s dream is to one day be front-and-center before everyone that visits Indiana to help them have a fully local experience. . Do you shop local? . Want to join me for a cup and a conversation? Comment below! . #Coffee #CoffeeCulture #CoffeeShop#InstaCoffee #igers #photooftheday#instafollow #Entrepreneur #Hustle#Social #Relationship #Networking#Marketing #SocialMedia#SocialMediaMarketing#MarketingDigital #DigitalMarketing#MarketingOnline #InstagramMarketing#OnlineMarketing #Branding#ContentMarketing #QualityContent#InboundMarketing #Storytelling#smallbusiness #localbusiness#momandpop Posted on Instagram by @jeff_echols on 11/07/16