Indiana Originals Features Donna Yarema from TeaPots N Treasures on 93.1 WIBC

On Sunday, March 4th, 2016, Mel McMahon and Terri Stacy spoke with Indiana Originals member Donna Yarema of TeaPots N Treasures about the benefits of tea, where to find her now, and how her business got started. Can you guess how many tea pots she had BEFORE she started selling them? [audio mp3=""][/audio]   About TeaPots N Treasures Hand blended/packed yummy teas Signature tea for The Canterbury Hotel, Columbia Club, Indiana State Museums,The Greek Islands restaraunt,Loretta’s Signature Tea Line (KY), My Father’s Garden (Westfield),and more 11500 East Washington Street Indianapolis 46229 Free Parking and Free Tea Education Classes- July 12 Sat 3:30, July 26 Sat 3:30, July 28 Monday 11am and Aug 2 Saturday @ 3:30 call 317.500.1079 or 317.777.0200 for info or free reservations. great fun thing to do! taste lots of teas and learn about brewing and temps This production is made possible with help from the following: Voice Work by Steve O’Brien, SOVO Creative, Inc.