Indiana Originals Features Jackie Ponder on 93.1 WIBC

On Sunday, September 16, 2018, Terri Stacy and Mel McMahon chat with Jackie Ponder of Beacon of Hope Crisis Center about their mission, their services, and how you can help survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault. Hear a new featured member each Sunday at 10:45 a.m. on 93.1 WIBC. Thanks for listening! [audio mp3=""][/audio]   About Beacon of Hope: Beacon of Hope Crisis Center is a confidential and safe place where individuals who are or have been a victim of domestic violence and/or sexual assault can receive advocacy services and referrals.  Our advocates assist with safety planning and let victims know what is available for them within our agency or one of our agency partner service providers. We assist in many ways, a few of those ways are helping with filings and paperwork, court accompaniment, helping to find a bed in a domestic violence shelter when that is needed, fostering pets while victim(s) are in shelter, helping with the healing process, counseling, steps toward independence and self-sufficiency for long-term improved quality of life.   Learn more at   This production is made possible with the help of the following:   Recorded with Terri Stacy, First Day | Broadcasted by 93.1 WIBC | Imaging by Steve O'Brien, SOVO Creative, Inc. | Music Credit to The Elms, "Back to Indiana"