Miss Indiana State Fair Queen Crowned

fair queen 280 x 200Madeline “Mady” Hayden of Hendricks County earned the title of Miss Indiana State Fair during the final day of the fair’s queen pageant in the Indiana Farmers Coliseum. Hayden was chosen from 85 contestants, each representing their home county. She becomes the first young lady from Hendricks County to become the Indiana State Fair Queen. “I was hoping to make the top ten. That was like a dream, so this is amazing,” she said. “I know what it’s like to look up to a girl and be excited that she is the queen, so I can’t wait to interact with all the kids and all the fairgoers.” Hayden, 18, is a freshman at Purdue University studying speech language and hearing sciences. She is the 57th young lady to be crowned Miss Indiana State Fair succeeding Alyssa Garnett of Pulaski County. This is the first time the queen pageant has ever taken place outside the dates of the fair. A video of Hayden’s crowning can be viewed at http://bit.ly/1Aoswge. Here are the results of the Top 10 finalists: The Queen’s Court:
  • 1st Runner-up – Alexandra Abney, Johnson County
  • 2nd Runner-up – Melissa Smoker, LaPorte County
  • 3rd Runner-up – Jacinda Thompson, Gibson County
  • 4th Runner-up – Jessie Earhart, Huntington County
Other finalists, in no particular order:
  • Kennedy Drago, Delaware County
  • Cassie Molter, White County
  • Allison Trevithick, Lawrence County
  • Riley Mineart, Tippecanoe County
  • Brittany Birt, Putnam County
Miss Congeniality: Kimberly Carcamo, Newton County The 2015 Indiana State Fair runs Aug. 7 – 23.