Financial Advisor Trainee

Job Openings

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Financial Advisor Trainee

  • Tifney Fields

    This person will be required to gather, interpret, process and coordinate financial and investment data in order to assist in developing new client relationships and continue servicing established relationships.

    Various daily activities include setting up new investment accounts, running analysis reports, preparing and processing paperwork for client accounts, analyzing current accounts, trading investment accounts, data gathering, financial planning data management, communicating with wholesalers on behalf of clients, developing new business opportunities, and assisting with education programs.

    Additionally, this position’s responsibilities include participating in, coordinating , keeping records for, and implementing the changes to the CRS investment models as recommended by the CRS investment committee.

    This position provides long-term in-depth hands on training, development and foundational knowledge for career development as an advisor. Compensation on a salary basis, and bonus eligible.

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